Monday, May 3, 2010

Week 18 - “Then & Now” Photo Challenge

Oh my gosh! I can't believe I'm posting this... but hey it's for fun, and we had FUN doing these. In fact my family and I are going to recreate other pictures just for kicks :-) This picture was taken a looong time ago!! around 1991..Steffy (my sister) was about 1.5 yrs old, so that means I was about 6..almost 7.. My mom just looks the same! We went to a studio in Mexico to have this picture done so that we could send it to my dad. Dad was in Tennessee at that time and mom wanted to send him a good picture of all of us. This photo cracks me up because you can see my mom is frustrated, because Steffy wouldn't sit still. I KNOW the feeling VERY WELL now that I have a 1.5 year old..oh my goodness... and look at me.. where was I looking? hahaha..and my bangs!! I almost cut them that short for the picture, but then I chickened out. Go to I Hear Faces to see more hilarious entries!!

ps..can you believe I found a sweater this similar..It belongs to Mrs. White, she's 97 years old.. I told you I'm really an old lady on the inside!! haha


  1. What a great picture! I bet it was so much fun to do!!

  2. Great pic! Love the red earrings! :)

  3. Funny!! Was that an acid washed skirt? Very cool. hee.

    I Heart Faces

  4. OMgosh BRILLIANT!! And HILARIOUS on the sweater! LOL

  5. Your mom does look the same. :) Great recreation.

  6. Love it! I needed a good laugh, and where were you looking?

  7. Thanks! ha! i have no idea where I was looking. I was probably mad that I'm so mismatched compared to them! hahaha

  8. Oh my gosh! I LOVE this. I love that your Mom and sister re created this with you. What a fun family you have! I especially love how they all found outfits similar! How great is that?

  9. Ohhilarious! I love it. Well done.

  10. HAHAHA
    That's good.

  11. Perfect! I love that your mom is wearing the same ear rings! Amazing

  12. Oh Nallely, you are so funny! This is perfect. I'm with you on the "creating more" thing. Next time my brothers are in town we are so doing this.

    You rocked it!

    co-founder of IHF

  13. Oh this is so fabulous, great then and now!

  14. WOW, you realy hit the nail on the head with this one. your mum realy hasn't changed. But you and your sister have grown.

  15. Your photo totally cracked me up! I love that you guys recreated the hand positioning so well. Ha!

  16. Darien, yes we worked hard on nailing the hand pose..hahaha!! I'm surprised we weren't cracking up laughing the whole time we were doing this, we were really serious about it. everyone knew their part!
