Gorgeous momma, gorgeous baby!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Simeon Valentine
When I heard Simeon was here, all I thought about was going over to see him and take his picture. I had forgotten how small and fragile newborn babies are. Simeon is tiny, and precious as you can see. I had fun taking these. More to come!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I was bored today
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Peggs Revisited
Monday, December 21, 2009
I'm baaaaack!
Woo, school is out and I have the photo itch again :) My wonderful , loving, caring, out of this world, handsome husband bought me a new lens !!! I cant wait to start taking pictures with it!! I just wish it was prettier outside! This spring and summer are going to be great because of this new lens, I just know it :) Well here is picture of my two favorite men of course....see you soon!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I missed this place
So I haven't posted in a while. I've been super busy with school. I'm not even joking when I say busy! Not only that but I have to do my normal mom/wife duties and I also get to go to be a teacher's assistant once a week. So lately all my energy has been going towards school and I've been slacking in taking pictures, and I miss it!! I have some very special friends having babies soon, so maybe I'll get to do newborn photos! I really hope I get to. I'm also trying to save up some $$ and get a new lens, maybe a nifty fifty.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Testing Testing 1..2
Well it's been busy around the Prater household. School has started and I have about 10 different things to work on all at the same time. John started school also, he is doing his classes online. We are busy busy! Oh this is just a test blog to see if my new blogger gadget works! yippee
Friday, September 11, 2009
I'm addicted. It's true. I love photography. I love looking at pictures, love taking them, love reading about it, love thinking about it, love talking about it. These past few weeks I haven't taken any pictures and I'm having withdrawals. I really want a new lens, specifically the 50mm 1.4 the 1.2 would be better, or maybe the 24-70mm lens, or an 85mm.... Why cant I be rich so I could have all these things? Then I could be GREAT! I want to be great so bad it hurts. You dont even know. I'm confused.
On a different note, adrian will be 1 yr old soon. That little stink! I'm planning his birthday party and a photoshoot of course.
You know what else I love? Newborns, they are so sweet, and cuddly, and I miss Adrian being that little already. Here is a cute newborn, I'm hoping I can take more baby pictures soon.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Hey you look at these!
I started school this week!!! I'm super happy and also super busy! I will not be doing much editing anymore because now I have homework and papers and volunteer work...*sigh*.. Oh well. Gotta make a sacrifice for something good right? Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Another for Stephanie
I've had three different sets of pictures to work on lately. Needless to say I've been staying up late almost every night working on these. I really like this picture of Stephanie and her husband. I added some texture to it, hope you like it!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Ashlie's Senior Portraits
I edited a few more from Ashlie's session. I wish I could take more senior pictures, I have a lot of fun doing this!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Please keep Cassy and her family in your thoughts
I was so happy to take these pictures today! Cassy and I met through work back in 2004. She is having surgery Tuesday to remove a tumor in her head. Please keep her in your prayers. She is such a nice, caring, strong woman, I'm sure she will get through this.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
A few more for Stephanie
Here are a few more from Stephanie's maternity session. I'm so excited I have so many pictures to work on! Please keep coming back to see more and please leave comments!! I love comments!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Ashlie -- Senior Pictures
This amazingly stunning next top model is Ashlie. She was so much fun to shoot! All I had to say was "work it" and she knew what to do. Can't fool me with your innocent looks! I know there is a model in there. Thank you for letting me do your senior pictures (part 2) And thanks to Alesha's dad for letting us go back to the farm and hang out with those famous mules. It was fun.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Up next is Stephanie!
Meet Stephanie. She and I went to highschool together then we had a few classes together while I was at Motlow. She is such a sweetie and totally glowing! Thanks for letting me do your maternity pictures. There will be more to come!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
New blog
Hi, if you're here that means you've been to noprater.webs.com, my "other" website. I know it's a hassle to go back and forth, but unfortunately I didnt have much space left on that site to keep blogging, so I've moved my blogging here, but kept my portfolio over there. So as always check back and see what's new!
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